How to make my ex jealous on instagram
How To Make Your Ex Jealous On Instagram
Whether you want to get your ex back or just want to make them regret losing you, here are my top tips to making your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend jealous on Instagram.
Jealousy is a powerful emotion and it beats logic every time. If your ex is jealous then they’re not going to be thinking about why they ended things.
Why is this?
A lot of people try to get their ex back through convincing them that they have changed and that there are logical reasons that you should be together.
In all my time in this field, I’ve never seen it work.
Love isn’t about logic, it’s about attraction. You need to start by rebuilding that attraction before you do anything else. And making them jealous is the first step.
If they think you’re desired and wanted by other people, if they think you’re having a great time without them, if they think that you’ve moved on, then they will feel insecure and begin chasing you.
So how do you make it happen?
Making your ex jealous is a subtle art. It’s all useless if they can tell that you’re doing it on purpose, it won’t work.
This is why social media is your best friend. Social media gives you the ability to influence your ex without directly contacting them.
If you don’t post often, this breakup is your chance to change that. Don’t go crazy but if you’re able to post a new picture or tweet every day then you’re on the right track.
Improve your appearance
When we get into a relationship it’s pretty common to let ourselves go a little. We don’t always make the effort to look our best because we’re off the market and we’re loved. Well now’s the time to change that.
You need to make some changes and improvements to your appearance.
Get a new haircut. Buy some new clothes. Wash your damn face. It doesn’t take a lot.
You just have to show positive movement despite the breakup. When your ex sees you they’ll have that “who’s that” moment for a split second and that will get them off guard.
This new you can be whoever you want it to be. Maybe you’ve always wanted piercings or tattoos? Go crazy.
Plus, a new haircut is a great excuse to post a picture.
Be mysterious
It’s tempting to show off every aspect of your life on social media and to brag about all the fun you’re having when you’re trying to make your ex jealous.
But I’ve found my clients have more success when they keep things a little mysterious.
If you can make your ex wonder about you, their mind will run wild. This is more effective if they don’t know for sure what you’re doing or who you’re with.
This is a great way of influencing them without having to do anything at all.
With that in mind if you use mysterious captions and don’t be super obvious about who you’re with or what you’re doing, it will drive them crazy.
Take better selfies
Check this out.
These photos prove that you don’t have to be a bombshell to take flattering selfies. Your ex was attracted to you before.
All you need to do is post photos where you look slightly better than they remember and they’ll be missing that bod of yours.
Proper lighting is key. Ditch the dirty bathroom mirror. Get a friend to take the photo so you can get a better angle.
Take a bunch and pick the best one.
Practice makes perfect so start taking more selfies and you’ll get more comfortable in front of the camera. Remember, you don’t have to post them all.
An ideal selfie has a good background. If you’re nervous, it’s great to post a selfie at an event, with friends, or doing something fun.
Show don’t tell
Some of my clients take my advice very literally.
If you post “having lots of fun with my friends lately. #blessed” it can look weird and desperate especially if it’s out of character for you.
Whereas a photo of you at an outdoor barbecue with a drink in your hand surrounded by people having fun is going to work wonders.
Try new things
A breakup is a great chance to try new things.
It’s a great way to get out of your comfort zone and stop thinking about the breakup. But these new activities can work double duty.
Post photos of yourself trying new things. Maybe kayaking, rock climbing, travelling. It can be as simple as going to a new restaurant.
If your ex sees you levelling up your hobbies and your life without them they’re going to start thinking about you differently and worrying that you’re moving on.
Take photos with attractive people
If you’re serious about making your ex jealous, it can help to post pics with attractive people.
If they think you might have replaced them with a better model, they’re going to be kicking themselves and blowing up your phone before you know it.
If you can get a quick snap of you standing close to someone attractive with both of you smiling, you’re on the right track.
Just post the pic on your Instagram story without a caption and they’ll fear the worst.
Bonus points if they’re hotter than your ex!
Take breaks
If you post too much you may actually hurt your chances.
In effect, you’re weaning them off you by still providing them with updates on your life and giving them a chance to see you even if it’s not directly.
This is why you should randomly take a few days off here and there. Make them wonder where you are.
If you’re suddenly MIA they may think that your phone is off because you’re in bed with someone else.
Nine times out of ten it’s when you’ve been offline for a couple days that you get that message you’ve been waiting for.
Examples On How To Make Your Ex Jealous On Facebook & Instagram
When “T” broke up with me, I become the exact woman that I never wanted to be.
I was full of sadness, anxiety, and confusion. I begged for him back and couldn’t understand why he was ending things. After a few weeks of sulking and asking everyone (literally everyone) for their opinions on what went wrong and if I could win him back…I discovered the greatest thing.
The thing that would help me get through this break up and ultimately transform me into the woman that I knew I could be,
Ex Boyfriend Recovery aka EBR
EBR was the best gift I could give myself. I recommend it to my friends all the time!
Once I discovered EBR and read it about 5 times (no joke) and decided to stop being sad and start being strategic!
Now, immediately after my break up with “T” I was impulsive and unfriended him from Facebook.
Which is one thing that this website suggests you NOT do.
I knew social media was one of the best ways to, if not ultimately win him back, make him super jealous!
So, I immediately got to work constructing the perfect social media pages to get the jealousy wheels in motion and that is where the fun comes in!
I want to share with you ladies the tactics that I’ve been using to make my ex jealous via Facebook that have been working like a charm.
The Tactics I Used To Make My Ex Boyfriend Jealous On FacebookFacebook is my favorite social media platform.
It allows you to connect with people, check into any place you want around the world, share your life with friends, oh, and also it can be useful in making your ex boyfriend jealous!
And everything starts with building the “Perfect Facebook Profile.””
Does that sound complicated?
Trust me, it’s a lot simplier than you’d think: (I will go individually into more detail):
- Do NOT unfriend your ex (like I did).
- If you have unfriended your ex, set your profile to “Public” immediately!
- Stay friends with his friends (Sphere of Influence). This is explained further in PRO.
- Highlight your best features in your profile picture (my selfie game has greatly improved)
- Choose an interesting cover photo
- Check-ins (even if you have to fake it!)
- Highlight the “Holy Trinity” (your health, wealth, and relationships)
- Share interesting articles or memes that will get you a ton of “likes” or comments
- Create albums of you and your friends having a great time!
- Portray yourself as the “Ungettable Girl“
I want to go a little more in depth on a few of the tactics that I have listed above.
The reason I had unfriended “T” in the first place was because he was posting a lot more on social media than he had when we were together.
The status that still sticks out in my mind and what ultimately made me unfriend him was this:
“I hit the friendship lottery!”
And he proceeded to tag a group of people who didn’t necessarily like that we were dating. Now, in hindsight, he had me right where he wanted me.
After, unfriending him, and cooling off. I realized two can play at this game….and I most certainly can play it better.
Let the games begin…I immediately set my profile to Public and made sure I didn’t unfriend anyone else.
Even his friends who liked the single version of “T” better. I wanted to keep them around. I made a vow to myself that even if I was dying to….I would NOT check his Facebook.
Instead, I shifted my focus to becoming the best version of myself and adding to my health, wealth, and relationships.
I began working out even more than I was previously, I started reconnecting with friends I had neglected during my relationship, and I threw myself into my work.
Friends, coworkers, strangers, and most importantly….”T”‘s friends started to notice.
Personally, I started reconnecting with my friend Tom.
Now, I got Tom’s permission to include him in This article.
As soon as I was single, Tom was there to help me pick up the pieces and remind me of just how amazing I am.
We started going to the gym together (he tortures me). We not only go to the gym, but we also go to social gatherings together or hiking on the weekend…and I make sure I document all of it.
I check us into the gym or restaurants or even if we are just grabbing coffee.
It even got to a point where people started questioning Tom to see if we were dating….and the girl that broke his heart, suddenly took a liking to looking at my Facebook page.
This was proof that my strategy was working. I genuinely had a great time with Tom and I am very grateful for our friendship.
Here are a few examples of Tom and I’s adventures (warning ladies, he is easy on the eyes!)
These photos not only depict my friendship with Tom, but it also highlights my health.
I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in and I look and feel better than ever.
Every month to 6 weeks I post a progress picture with a motivational quote. This not only allows everyone to see the progress I’ve made, but it motivates me to keep my routine going.
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Yes, please
The Selfie GameThe next thing I’d like to go over is the “selfie.”
I always make sure that I’m flashing a smile or smiling with my eyes. I also highlight or make sure that the central focus captures my best attributes. I have blue eyes, so I make sure they “pop” or I was told by many that I can pull off a red lip. It doesn’t hurt that my ex loved when I wore red lipstick.
Having confidence is key!
That will shine through your selfie the most!
Keep Your Friends Close…But Your Enemies Closer…Now, I know you might be thinking
“Why would you want to be friends with people who potentially influenced your break up?”
It’s really quite simple.
I don’t necessarily want to be their friend.
I just want to shift the way that they perceive me.
“T”‘s friends, not all of them, but a select few made it known that they didn’t like that I was a priority in his life.
Instead of deleting these individuals, I wanted to portray through social media that his life was actually more fulfilled because I was in it. Its been about 4 months since our break up and through just using the tactics listed above, I am very close with two of my ex’s closest friends.
These guys invite me to their social events (They are trying to start a microbrewery) and they even asked me to promote their latest brew this month.
I’ve declined a few times in the past, knowing my ex would be at these events, but this month I decided I’m going to help these guys out!
They have been nothing but kind to me.
They always send me the event invites and I always check “interested”.
This months invite is getting a “going to” and my ex is playing at this event.
“T” is a musician, by the way.
I’m showing up late and I’m bringing a group of my friends. I’m sure more of his friends will be there and I want to show them how “UG” that I am!
Not just on social media. I not only talk the talk, but I can walk the walk!
You’ve Got It Covered…Another aspect of my Facebook page that I make sure makes a statement is my cover photo. I either make sure it’s something funny like this: (Because who doesn’t like the Lion King and pizza?!)
Or… I make it a little more sentimental so that if my ex is stalking my Facebook page (which 9 times out of 10) they are…I like to jog his memory and take him back to a moment that we shared together.
This was where I took “T” on our first date.
My favorite place,
Portraying… No, Rather Being The “Ungettable Girl”Being the “UG” is the most vital thing I have learned from EBR.
I have this new self confidence that I never knew existed within me this whole time.
Over the past four months I have become the absolute best version of myself that I can be! If you’ve just experienced a break up and you come across this article, you too, can gain this power!
You are not alone.
What I really want this article to convey is not exactly making your ex jealous, sure it’s definitely a plus and your chances are high that you will make him jealous….but more importantly, it’s recognizing just how amazing YOU are!
For me, and I hope for you too, that your social media reflects the best possible version of yourself.
Now, if you’re wondering…”T” and I aren’t back together. I’m over the idea of wanting him back…. because I’ve realized that as long as I have the best relationship with myself, that’s what really matters.
And my timeline can attest to that!
An Added BonusI did a little extra research for you ladies and decided to reach out to an ex of mine who had left me for another woman and ended up marrying her.
Yes. I was devastated.
Now, five years later, he’s divorced and living the bachelor life…..but I was always curious to know if he was checking up on me through my social media. The response I got was shocking!
I’ll refer to him as “N” I asked him if he ever regretted breaking things off with me (we dated for 3 years) and if he ever looked at my Facebook to see what I was up to when he decided to call it quits.
N: “To be honest…more often than not. You really know how to make a person regret. Especially when you would post a picture with a new guy or out having fun with your friends. That’s why at one point I blocked you. I couldn’t look at you having a life without me in it. As weird as that sounds.”
And there you have it. I hope that’s all the proof you need!
(This was a guest post written by Lindsey Houser)
how to make him jealous on instagram?
By Milena Anderson Reading 6 min. Views 11
Short answer
- There is no surefire way to make someone jealous on Instagram, but you can try posting photos that are more likely to make you jealous. nine0014
- For example, post pictures of yourself with friends or exotic places, or post pictures of things they might want or dream about.
- If you do this discreetly, they may not even realize that you are trying to make them jealous, but it can definitely work in your favor.
How to Make an Ex Jealous with Instagram (Start Today!)
How to Make a Jealous Man | 2 ways to make him jealous! nine0021
How to make someone jealous on Instagram?
There are several ways to make someone jealous on Instagram. One way is to follow many people they don't know. Another way is to like a lot of posts from people they don't know. You can also post a lot of photos where you look very happy and have a lot of followers.
How do you make your lover jealous on Instagram?
There are several ways to make someone jealous on Instagram. One way is to like and comment on other people's posts more often than usual. Another way is to post photos that can get a lot of likes, like selfies or photos with friends. You can also follow more people than usual.
How to make a guy jealous on social networks?
There are several ways to make a guy jealous on social media. One way is to post photos of yourself with other guys. You can also write about how wonderful your life is and how much fun you have without him. You can also write about how happy you are now that you are single. nine0003
How can I make him jealous and want me more?
There is no sure way to make someone want you more, but you can try to make them jealous. Try to spend time with other people and flirt with them in his presence. If he sees that you are attracting other people, he will start wanting you even more.
How to make your boyfriend jealous via SMS?
There is no surefire way to make someone jealous, but you can try sending them a flirtatious or intimate message when you know they are around. If your guy is competitive, you can also try talking about other guys in a positive light or even flirting with other people around him. nine0003
How to make someone jealous?
There are several ways to make someone jealous, but one of the most common is to flirt with someone in front of them. You can also talk about how great your life is and how much fun you have without them. By making them feel they are missing something, you can make them jealous.
How to make a person not jealous?
There is no universal answer to this question, because the best way to make someone not jealous depends on the personality of the person and their relationship with the person they are jealous of. However, some tips on how to make someone less jealous might include being understanding and supportive, highlighting your own feelings for that person, and being honest in any relationship with the person they are jealous of. nine0003
How to make her jealous?
There is no surefire way to make someone jealous, but some tips include spending time with other people, being flirtatious, and acting like you're having a great time without them. If the person you're trying to make jealous is close to you, you can also talk about how great your new partner is or post photos of you together online.
How do you know that he is jealous? nine0003
There are several signs that may indicate that your partner is jealous. If they constantly ask who you are talking to or where you are, this is a sign of jealousy. If they get angry or defensive when you talk about other people, that's also a sign of jealousy. If your partner is always trying to control your life and who you talk to, this is definitely a sign of jealousy.
How to make a man jealous?
There is no surefire way to make your man jealous, but some tips include: be especially loving and considerate when he is around, talk about other guys in a positive light, and flirt with other people in his presence. If you really want to get his goat, try to make him think that you are interested in someone else. The main thing is to be inconspicuous so that he does not understand what you are doing until it is too late. nine0003
What to text a guy who ignores you?
If a guy is ignoring you, there is probably a reason. If you really want to text him, try something like, “Hi! Hope you are fine. I miss you." If he doesn't respond, it's time to move on.
How can I make my boyfriend miss me?
There is no sure way to make someone miss you, but there are a few things you can do to increase the chances. First, try to be less approachable. If he can always reach you easily, he will take you for granted. Second, make yourself look and feel good. When you feel better, he will appreciate you more. Finally, find time for yourself. nine0003
How to make a man think about you?
There is no universal answer to this question, as the best way to get a man to think about you depends on the relationship between you and him. However, some tips on how to get a man to think about you may include: being loving and considerate, be able to listen, support, be positive and interesting.
How to do it? do you know that a man loves you?
There is no single answer to this question, because love is a complex emotion that manifests itself in different ways. However, some signs that a man loves you include being attentive to your needs, wanting to spend time with you, being protective and understanding towards you, and making sacrifices for you. If your partner exhibits this behavior, it is likely that he loves you very much. nine0003
How to Make an Ex Jealous: Detailed Instructions
Everyone wants what they can't have. People also have the tendency to regret losing someone or something when they no longer have it. In other words, if an ex sees that his girlfriend has someone else, he will see her in a whole new light. Everyone knows how strong jealousy motivation. Jealousy can help people begin to appreciate their loved ones. So How to make an ex jealous? nine0003
Contents of the article
- 1 Why does jealousy work?
- 2 Method #1
- 3 Method #2
- 4 Method #3
- 5 Method #4
- 6 Method #5
- 7 Method #6
- 8 Method #7 10 Don't feel jealous
Why does jealousy work?
If you really want to get back with your ex or just to bring him back into your life, the feeling of jealousy is the best friend in this matter. There are specific things that will help kindle jealousy, regret and sadness in the heart of the former. nine0003
It is not necessary to kiss others in front of him – such behavior is likely to have a negative effect. Instead it's worth try the following things.
Method #1
Something that can really cause jealousy and envy - it is when someone else is having fun and enjoying life. When the ex sees that his the girl is not upset because of the breakup and is not offended by him - this will disrupt him roof. He will begin to experience a strong feeling of jealousy, to regret that he is not in this happy life. nine0003
Method #2
Finding someone else is perhaps the most effective way make your ex jealous. Better find someone prettier. And spend time together in such a way that the former noticed it. He will be incredibly annoyed the fact that his ex was able to say goodbye to the past so quickly and let go of all feelings. This will arouse incredible jealousy in him. The only thing in relationships with someone else, you should be extremely careful and not go overboard edge.
nine0020 Method #3 If you really want to drive your ex crazy with jealousy, you can try to completely ignore it. Certainly not to the extent not to talk to him when he is around. However, if he sends SMS, calls or tries to establish contact, first ignore all these attempts. Just making sure that the former is experiencing jealousy, you can answer him.
Method #4
How to make an ex jealous? Be kind to him and his friends! Indeed, this is an incredibly effective way to awaken in ex-lover jealousy. After all, leaving his girlfriend, he certainly did not expect that she would quickly deal with the pain - he expected that she, heartbroken, would suffer for a while. The best way to get revenge and cause jealousy is to return into the life of the former with a smile and kindness. nine0003
Method #5
Ignore all publications and avoid communication and contact on any social platforms. Most likely the ex will post pictures with new people or trying to appear happy is what people usually do when they leave a relationship.
It is important to stand firm and simply ignore any material that the former publishes. Better yet, just unfollow him everywhere - so there will be no temptation at all.
You can even try the response technique: publish on social platforms, the best moments of your new life without an ex are a great way to stir up jealousy and make him realize what he has lost. Important take photos of positive moments and share them, for example, in Instagram stories. nine0003
Method #6
Random eye contact will help bring back memories. At this look can be seductive - why not make your ex remember all the romantic moments that you had to endure? Need to delay look for literally a second, then look away, grinning, as if hiding secret - it will drive him crazy with jealousy.
Method #7
Always looking amazing is probably the best way to make your ex jealous. This pretty obvious, but it needs to be mentioned. If you want to arouse jealousy and regret, you need to give a worthy reason. nine0003
You can spend time choosing clothes and hair. The main thing, don't act like it took hours. Your beauty must look natural, like a light coming from within.
Method №8
Joint plans and dreams are in the past! None prohibits embodying them now, after parting. Can be awakened in the former strong jealousy, if you do everything that you dreamed about together before parting.