How to know if i am restricted on instagram

How to Know If Someone Restricted You on Instagram

Have you noticed that someone has limited your access to their content on Instagram? Are your comments on their posts not getting as many responses as they used to? That could be a sign that someone restricted you on Instagram.

Being restricted on Instagram is more difficult to figure out than being blocked, as it doesn’t remove your access to a person’s profile completely. In this article, we’ll tell you about the signs you can use to determine Instagram restrictions, and how you can use the restrict feature to limit people’s access to your own content.

Table of Contents

    What Happens When Someone Restricts You on Instagram?

    Instagram’s Restrict feature is one of the privacy features that allows users to limit someone’s access to their account. In order to learn whether someone restricted you on Instagram, you first need to understand what this feature does.

    In most cases, you won’t even notice when someone restricts you on Instagram. It’s a lot more subtle than when someone blocks you. Particularly because when you’re restricted, you can still open the user’s Instagram profile and see their content, including the user’s posts, stories, reels, and comments. You can even like their posts and send them direct messages.

    However, there are some things you won’t be able to do or see, when it comes to comments on Instagram posts, messages, and activity status.

    Restricted vs Blocked

    Being blocked on Instagram is different from being restricted, as it removes your access to the user’s profile almost entirely. For example, as a blocked user, when you open the Instagram account of the person who blocked you, you’ll only see the information at the top of their profile: their profile picture, number of followers and following, number of posts, and their bio.

    Unlike a blocked user, the restricted account holder will be able to see all the posts, stories, and any other content on the page. They’ll be able to leave new comments on posts, see new and previous comments in the comment section from other subscribers.

    As a restricted user, you’ll also be able to send an Instagram DM (direct message) to the person who restricted you. However, your message will appear as a message request that the person can Block, Delete, or Accept. You won’t be able to see their activity status, as well as whether they received your message or not. As a blocked user, you won’t be able to message the person who blocked you.

    Unlike being blocked, being restricted doesn’t affect your ability to tag and mention the person who restricted you. They will get a notification when you mention or tag them, as usual.

    How to Tell if Someone Restricted You on Instagram

    As you can see, being restricted on Instagram is tricky to determine. So how do you know if someone restricted you on Instagram? There are only three ways to find out.

    1. Check the Comments Section

    Instagram first introduced the restriction feature to reduce cyberbullying. The primary function of this feature is to restrict unwanted comments from a user. On your end, it won’t look like anything’s changed. You can still leave comments on posts as usual. You’ll also be able to view your comments, but they may be hidden from everybody else.

    The user who restricted you will see your new comment appear behind a restricted comment message. They can then choose to approve your comment or keep it hidden from everybody else. If they approve your comment, it’ll become public, and if they deny it, only you and the user who restricted you will be able to see the comment.

    So how can you find out if someone restricted your comments? Go on this user’s account on Instagram and leave a new comment on their post. Since comments will show up on your primary account as usual anyway, you’ll need to access Instagram using your secondary account. If you don’t have a secondary account on Instagram, you can either create a new account, ask to use a friend’s account, or ask to use an Instagram account of your family member.

    Right after you post a comment from your main account, check if you can view it from a different Instagram account. Make sure you do it straight away, before the user who restricted you can approve it. If you don’t see your new comment appear straight away, then your account was restricted.

    2. Try Sending a DM

    You can also find out if you’ve been restricted or not using Instagram DMs. When someone restricts you, your new direct messages to them will appear in a message request folder rather than in a regular chat. The person who restricted you won’t be notified of any new messages, and they’ll have to manually approve them to answer you. On the other hand, you won’t get notified if or when the user reads your direct message.

    To find out whether you’ve been restricted, try sending a DM to the person who you suspect restricted you on Instagram. After sending the DM, all you have to do is wait. If you see the user being active on their account but not responding to your message for a long time, then it could be a sign that your suspicion was right and they’ve restricted you.

    Check Their Activity Status

    When you get restricted, it removes your ability to view the person’s activity status. That means you won’t be able to see the last time they were online, or the last time they checked their messages.

    You can try to check the activity status of the person who you suspect has restricted you. Before you can do it, make sure that you have the option to show activity status enabled on Instagram. To do that, open the Instagram app, go to your profile page, open the menu, and follow the path Settings > Privacy > Activity Status. Switch it On to enable the feature.

    When the Activity Status feature is on, you can see when the people you follow and message were last active on Instagram. Now head back to the person’s profile and check if you can see their last seen status (or their Active status if they’re currently online). If you don’t see this info, even though they recently posted on Instagram, there’s a chance they restricted you.

    However, it’s also possible that they have the option of showing Activity Status switched off, in which case you should use some other method to check if you’ve been restricted.

    How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

    Whether you find out that someone restricted you or not, one day you might need to use this feature on someone else yourself. If you want to restrict someone on Instagram, you can do it through comments, messages, and settings. The instructions are the same for iOS and Android users.

    How to Restrict Someone in Comments

    You can restrict someone right in the comments section. To do that, follow the steps below.

    1. Open your Instagram post and select View all comments.
    2. Select the comment of the person you want to restrict, and either swipe left on it (iPhone), or hold it (Android).
    3. Select the exclamation mark icon in the top-right corner.
    1. Select Restrict Username to restrict the person.
    How to Restrict Someone in Messages

    Another way to restrict a user on Instagram is via messages. To do that, follow the steps below.

    1. Open Instagram and go to your chats.
    2. Open the chat with the person you want to restrict.
    3. Select their name on top of the chat.
    4. Scroll down and select Restrict.
    How to Restrict Someone in Settings

    You can use the Settings menu to restrict someone on Instagram. Here’s how you can do that.

    1. Open Instagram and go to your profile page.
    2. Select the three horizontal lines icon in the top-right corner to open Menu.
    3. Follow the path Settings > Privacy > Connections > Restricted accounts > Continue.
    1. Use the Search bar to find the account you want to restrict and select Restrict next to their username.
    How to Restrict Someone on Their Profile

    If you’re viewing someone’s profile and want to restrict their account, you can do it right on their Instagram page by following the steps below.

    1. Open Instagram and find the person you want to restrict.
    2. Go to this person’s profile page.
    3. Select the three horizontal lines icon (iPhone) or three vertical lines icon (Android) to open Menu.
    4. Select Restrict to restrict their account.

    How to Fix Someone Restricting You on Instagram

    Finding out for sure if someone has restricted you on Instagram is rather difficult. Plus, there’s not much you can do to gain back access to the person’s profile once they restrict you. Your best bet is to reach out to them personally and try to figure out a way to resolve the problem together.

    How to know if someone restricted you on Instagram

      ❘   Published: 2022-12-10T18:32:00

      ❘   Updated: 2022-12-12T18:39:59

    If you suspect that someone has restricted you on Instagram, there are a few methods that may help you figure out whether they actually have or not — here’s everything you need to know.

    Instagram makes it easy for you to connect with millions of other users across the globe, and people often find that they rack up a significant number of followers, sometimes without even realizing it.

    However, sometimes you may encounter someone who you want to interact with less on the platform for whatever reason. Muting or blocking these accounts is usually the easiest solution in these scenarios, but some people choose to ‘restrict’ certain users.

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    What happens if you restrict someone on Instagram?

    Restricting someone means they won’t be able to see when you’re online or if you’ve read their messages, and new comments they leave on your post can only be seen by them. You are also able to approve their comments so that others can see them.

    Unsplash: Solen Feyissa

    You can connect with a huge number of other people via Instagram.

    How to tell if someone restricted you on Instagram

    The simplest way to figure out whether you have been restricted is by using another account or a friend’s account and comparing it to the account you believe has been restricted.

    Try leaving a comment on the other person’s post with your original account, and then view that same post through a different account. If your comment doesn’t appear when viewing it through a second account, this is a sign that you could have been restricted, as the original poster would have to approve your comment before it can be seen by others.

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    If you have had a direct message conversation with that person, you could also try comparing a user’s activity status on different accounts. If you can’t see their activity status on your account, but you can on another, there’s a chance you could have been restricted. However, this method is less reliable than the other.

    Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Esports, Gaming and more.

    If you have been restricted by that user, we do not encourage attempting to contact them through a separate account.

    If you want to know more about how to use Instagram, you can check out our other guides here:

    How to link your Instagram account to TikTok | How to see your first-liked Instagram post | How to switch Instagram feed to chronological order | How to re-share a post to your Story on Instagram | How to make money on Instagram | How to hide likes on Instagram

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    How to know if I'm limited on Instagram

    can give us Social Media A glimpse into the lives of others. Although this tool is useful to keep up with friends, but accessing it can become an easy problem. offend some persons Hide identity In an online environment, harass others.

    If you are dealing with such harassment على Instagram And looking for a way to reduce them, you might be able to help you. Here's what you need to know about this tool and what happens when you do Restricting someone on Instagram. nine0003

    What is a restrictive function?

    Instagram posted " restriction In 2019 to combat cyberbullying and create a more positive society. Cyberbullying has been a common problem on the platform. Using the deterrence feature is one tool that can be used against bullies or unwanted interactions.

    Essentially, you can use this feature to subtly restrict someone's access to your account. This tool is designed to frustrate the aggressor's attempts to cause embarrassment. At the same time, you can avoid direct confrontation, which can further exacerbate the problem. nine0003

    For example, if someone relentlessly leaves rude comments under every post you make, restricting that user could nip the problem in the bud. The restriction will also protect the direct messaging space from their unwanted calls and messages. However, you will still be able to interact with the user you have restricted whenever you want.

    Due to its confidential nature, the restriction can be used for purposes other than combating harassment. You can use it to deal with enthusiastic followers or relatives who flood you with embarrassing comments. nine0003

    What happens when you restrict someone on Instagram?

    Here are the changes you can expect when clicking the Restrict button on someone's profile:

    Their messages will be included in your message requests.

    Whether you follow each other or not, restricting a user will redirect their messages to the Message Requests folder. This also includes their responses to your stories. You can find your requests in the top right corner of the private messages folder. nine0003

    In the Message Requests section, you won't be notified of new messages that the person might send you. However, you will still be able to view their messages if you wish. Even if you view it, the sender will not be notified. Read receipts will be hidden, as is usually the case with message requests, until you accept them.

    If you want to reply to a restricted person, you must remove the restriction.

    Your activity status is hidden from them. nine0029

    Normally, when the active status of both parties is enabled, a green dot indicates when the other party is online, and vice versa. Apart from the bubble, you will also see exactly when it was last active. If this makes you uncomfortable, you can hide your activity status from all users by simply disabling this feature. However, as a result, you won't be able to see anyone's status either.

    You can continue to use this feature and at the same time hide your activity from unwanted users by restricting them. nine0003

    Their comments under your posts are hidden by default.

    Finally, restricting a user will also hide their comments on your posts from the public. They will be able to comment as normal, but their comments will only be visible to them unless you choose otherwise. You will also not be notified of their comments.

    You can view their comment by clicking View Comment below the hidden comment. You can click Agree, Delete, or just ignore the comment from now on. nine0003

    If you're constantly experiencing comment spam and the problem isn't just one or two users, there are other solutions available. Automatically hide offensive comments with the Hidden Words menu, or create your own list of unwanted words. Choose who can comment on your posts, or limit activity for a set period until things calm down.

    What's left?

    As already mentioned, the restricted user will still be able to send you messages and comment on your posts, albeit with additional information. Most importantly, they will still be able to see all your content normally - new posts in the feed, stories, videos, accounts you follow, etc. They may like your content, and their likes will still be visible to others users. In addition, you will see their content as usual and be able to interact with it. If you follow them, limiting them will not result in unsubscribing. nine0003

    How to restrict someone on Instagram

    You can access the restriction feature from several menus.

    From user profile:

    • Find the person you want to restrict.

    • Find the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.

    • Select Restrict and confirm your choice in the pop-up window.


    • Select a comment or spam comment by continuing on Android or swiping left on Apple.

    • Look for the exclamation mark icon in the menu above.

    • Select Block (name) and then confirm your choice.

    From messages:

    • Start a conversation with the user you want to restrict.

    • Click on the username at the top. nine0062

    • You will find the Limit option at the bottom of the menu that appears. Confirm your choice.

    From settings:

    • Open settings and click "Privacy".

    • Locate the Restricted Accounts menu.

    • You can add any account here by searching.

    Additional questions and answers

    Can I cancel the restriction?

    Yes, you can remove the restriction from your account at any time. You can do this by opening the user's profile and clicking on the three dots, or by going to your privacy settings and deleting them from your list of restricted accounts. You can also remove the restriction from their message request.

    What is the difference between prohibition and restriction?

    Blocking is a strict measure because the person you have blocked will not be able to interact with you in any way. Also, it's easy to see that you've been blocked because the profile of the user who blocked you will show up blank. You won't be able to send them messages or leave comments. They will know that they have been blocked, which can lead to embarrassing situations. nine0003

    Unlike blocking someone, restricting them is more conservative. Users will continue to see your content and feel like they can still interact with you in the same way. This is a rather indirect way of avoiding someone without causing conflict.

    Will the user know that I have restricted them?

    One of the main advantages of using the restrict function instead of blocking someone is that it is a more subtle way of restricting interaction. At first glance, they will not even notice that they are tied. nine0003

    However, if they continue to insist, sooner or later they will realize that something is wrong. The user can sign in with a different account, or ask a friend to check if their comment appears at the bottom of your post.

    Can I participate in a group chat with a restricted account?

    If you are in a group chat with a user you have restricted, this will be indicated in a note. You can then decide if you want to leave the conversation. nine0003

    Keep your Instagram safe

    It's very important that we control our social media accounts and not the other way around. Fortunately, more and more settings allow us to stay safe. The Limit option on Instagram is a great example.

    Have you ever used it or do you prefer other platform privacy tools? Write to us in the comments!

    Restricted access to Instagram: what does it mean, how to understand that you have been restricted, how to restrict access to a subscriber and unblock him

    Managing the privacy of a page on a social network involves understanding what it means to restrict access on Instagram. This feature allows you to manage subscriptions more efficiently, save time on spam and unwanted information flow. Also, this option, along with the compilation of white and black lists, can become a tool for targeted mailings for different user groups. What is limited access on Instagram and what does it mean?

    What is restricted access on Instagram

    The "Restrict access" function appeared in one of the latest updates, in the "Privacy" section. Features:

    1. another user will be able to view the page, but only the owner of the profile and the sender will see his comments;
    2. "Online" status will be unavailable, as well as notification that the message has been read;
    3. The owner of the restricted page will not be aware of the restrictions.

    You can open it through the section: "Settings" - Privacy. The user is offered several ways to restrict access to his account. If you don't want to restrict access to your account in order to keep your publications visible to all network users, but you want to reduce spam or get rid of comments from people you don't like, the Restrict function will become a reliable assistant. nine0003

    Expert opinion

    Elena Vasilyeva, Instagram expert

    If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Ask an expert

    If you find a spammer or a hater, just add him to the list of disabled subscribers. So the comments sent by him to the publications will be visible only to him. Also, the Restrict function allows you to keep your presence online and the status of the read message in secret from the selected user. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. nine0003

    How to restrict access to Instagram to a follower

    To enable the restricted access mode on Instagram, follow the instructions:

    Do you use Instagram for fun or work?


    1. Opening a user account.
    2. In the upper right corner, touch the icon.
    3. Touching "Restrict Account".

    Thus, you have limited access to the user without blocking him or unsubscribing (you can also try to hide the person). New comments from the user will be seen only by you and him. You will be able to approve the comments and they will become public. Also, he will no longer see when you are online and whether you have read his messages (the chat will be moved to the "Requests for Correspondence" section, as if you closed the direct to him). He doesn't know anything about the restriction. nine0003

    How else can you enable limited access to Instagram

    Another convenient option to use is to create a list of unwanted people directly through a comment. If you have replaced unacceptable content in the photo caption, then:

    1. Select this message under the publication.
    2. Referring to the icon with an exclamation point in a circle. It is located in the top toolbar on the blue background of the right next to the "Delete" icon in the form of a basket.
    3. nine0061 A pop-up menu will prompt you to either complain or curtail further activity for the selected user.
    4. Confirmation of the action occurs through the "Restrict Account" key, which means in Instagram to restrict access to the subscriber.

    Listing refers to all of a contact's posting activity. That is, all messages that have been made up to this point will be hidden.

    Restrict access

    Instagram Silent Mode: Restricted Option

    This method will enable restricted access removes unnecessary pages from the Feed section. The profile owner will no longer see the posts or Stories of the specified person. But this format of restrictions does not affect the ability to comment, like or view the account. How to block the display of certain pages:

    1. Go to Instagram - Feed.
    2. The pages of users who recently posted Stories are shown at the top.
    3. Click on the avatar circle - Hide. nine0062
    4. Select the type: "Posts or Stories" or only temporary entries.

    With limited access, you can make your Instagram experience enjoyable.

    How to allow access to the page: remove the restricted mode on Instagram

    Restore and open the user profile: