How to get the best target audience on facebook

9 Facebook Ad Targeting Tips for More Conversions

One of the key advantages of social ads over other forms of advertising is the ability to laser-target your audience.

Smart Facebook ad targeting can help you reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your brand. With advanced targeting options, you can go a step further and reach the people who are likely to be interested in specific products, and who have already shown they’re willing to shop.

All of this helps you achieve higher conversion rates with your existing ad budget. And show us a Facebook advertiser who doesn’t love a higher ROI!

1. Target your competitors’ fans using Audience Insights

2. Use Custom Audiences for remarketing

3. Find people similar to your best customers with value-based lookalike audiences

4. Improve targeting with Facebook ad relevance diagnostics

5. Target people who have recently shopped from Facebook ads

6. Find your unicorn content

7. Get ultra-precise with layered targeting

8. Combine two unique audiences together

9. Use broad targeting to find your target audience

Bonus: Get the Facebook advertising cheat sheet for 2022. The free resource includes key audience insights, recommended ad types, and tips for success.

How does Facebook ad targeting work?

Facebook ad targeting helps you define the audience that will see your ads. It can improve the effectiveness of your campaigns — but it will also affect the cost of your ads (in very simple terms, reaching a larger audience is more expensive than reaching a smaller one).

On Facebook, ad targeting is based on three different types of target audience:

  • Core audiences, which you target based on demographics, behaviors, and location.
  • Custom audiences, which allow you to reconnect with people who have already interacted with your business.
  • Lookalike audiences, which allow you to target people similar to your best customers but who may not know about your business yet.

9 tips for effective Facebook ad targeting in 2022

1. Target your competitors’ fans using Audience Insights

The Audience tab in Meta Business Suite Insights offers a ton of valuable information that can help you understand your Facebook followers. You can then use the data to learn how to target potential new followers and customers.

It’s such a treasure trove that we’ve got an entire article dedicated to using Audience Insights for better targeting.

But our favorite Audience Insights strategy is to use the information it provides to learn who you’re competing with on Facebook, then target your competitors’ existing fans.

Here’s a quick how-to:

  • Open your Audience Insights dashboard in Meta Business Suite and select Potential audience.
  • Click the Filter button on the top right of the page and use the basic targeting options like location, age, gender, and interests to start building a Facebook audience that matches your target audience persona.
  • Don’t click Create audience just yet. Instead, scroll down to the Top pages section to see which pages your target users already connect with. Copy and paste this list into a spreadsheet or text file.
  • Go back to the Filter selection tool. Clear your existing filters and type the name of one of your competitors’ Facebook Pages in the Interests box. Not all competitors will come up as an interest, but for those that do…
  • Check out the presented demographics information to see if you can gain any additional audience insights that will help you target your ads more precisely.
  • Create a new audience based on these new demographic insights, then test it against one of your existing audiences.
  • Or, simply click Save and you’ve got an audience based on your competitors’ fans.

Of course, you can further target this audience to make sure you get the best fit for your specific business and campaign goals, but this is a great way to start finding relevant people on Facebook.

You can find more details in our Audience Insights how-to article.

2. Use Custom Audiences for remarketing

Remarketing is a powerful Facebook targeting strategy to connect with potential customers who have already expressed interest in your products.

Using Facebook Custom Audiences targeting options, you can choose to show your ads to people who have recently viewed your website, people who have looked at sales pages, or even people who have looked at specific products. You can also choose to exclude people who have purchased recently, if you think they are unlikely to convert again soon.

Before you can use Facebook Custom Audiences based on website visits, you need to install the Facebook Pixel.

Once that’s done, here’s how to create your remarketing audience:

  • Go to Audiences with your Ads Manager.
  • From the Create Audience dropdown, choose Custom Audience.
  • Under sources, click Website.
  • Choose your pixel.
  • Under Events, choose which types of visitors to target.
  • Name your audience and click Create audience.

Another option is to create a custom audience based on data synced from your CRM. For this option, you’ll create your audience within Hootsuite Social Advertising.

  • In Hootsuite Social Advertising, create a New Advanced Audience.
  • Choose to target existing customers.
  • Click Connect Add CRM account to connect your CRM data from Mailchimp, Hubspot, Salesforce, or whichever CRM solution you currently use.
  • You can get quite specific about who you want to target with your audience based on whether they are existing customers or leads, and whether they have bought within a specific timeframe.

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You can then use your advanced audience to create a Facebook ad campaign directly within Hootsuite Social ads.

An advantage here is that you’re not relying on Facebook pixel data, which may be less robust since the introduction of iOS 14.5.

Find more details in our blog post on how to use Facebook Custom Audiences.

3. Find people similar to your best customers with value-based lookalike audiences

Facebook Lookalike Audiences allow you to build targeted lists of potential customers who share characteristics with all the people who already buy from you.

Value-based lookalike audiences allow you to more specifically target people who share characteristics with your most valuable customers.

Before you can incorporate customer value into a lookalike audience, you need to create a customer value custom audience:

  • Go to Audiences within your Ads Manager.
  • From the Create Audience dropdown, choose Custom Audience, then choose Customer list as the source.
  • Choose your customer list, then from the value column dropdown, choose which column to use for customer value and click Next.
  • Click Upload and Create.

Now, you can use this list to create a value-based Lookalike audience to target your highest value potential customers:

  • Go to Audiences within your Ads Manager.
  • From the Create Audience dropdown choose Lookalike Audience.
  • Choose the value-based custom audience you created above as your source.
  • Select the regions to target.
  • Select your audience size. Smaller numbers more precisely match your source audience characteristics.
  • Click Create Audience.

Find more details in our guide to Facebook Lookalike Audiences.

4. Improve targeting with Facebook ad relevance diagnostics

Facebook helps you understand how relevant your ad is to your selected audience based on three ad relevance diagnostics:

  • Quality ranking
  • Engagement rate ranking
  • Conversion rate ranking

All measures are based on your ad’s performance compared to other ads targeting the same audience.

As Facebook says, “People prefer to see ads that are relevant to them. And when businesses show their ads to relevant audiences, they see better business outcomes. That’s why we consider how relevant each ad is to a person before delivering an ad to that person.”

The whole point of Facebook ad targeting is to get your ad in front of the specific audience that’s most likely to take action based on that exact ad. This is the very definition of relevance.

Here are some simple ways to help improve your ranking scores for Facebook’s ad relevance diagnostics:

  • Focus on quality, including great visuals and short copy.
  • Choose the right ad format.
  • Aim for low ad frequency.
  • Time ads strategically.
  • Optimize your ads with A/B testing.
  • Keep an eye on your competitors’ ads.

If your ads aren’t performing as well as you like, you can use the ad relevance diagnostics to look for opportunities to improve targeting:

  • Low-quality ranking: Try changing the target audience to one that’s more likely to appreciate the specific creative in the ad.
  • Low engagement rate ranking: Refine your targeting to reach people who are more likely to engage. Audience Insights can be a great help here.
  • Low conversion rate ranking: Target a higher-intent audience. This could be as simple as selecting “engaged shoppers” under purchase behavior (see Tip #5). But it could also mean targeting people who have an upcoming anniversary, or who have another behavior or life event that makes your product or service particularly relevant to them right at this moment.

Remember, relevance is all about matching the right ad to the right audience. No one ad will be relevant to everyone. Effective targeting is the only way to achieve a consistently high relevance ranking. Test regularly and aim for a regular Facebook targeting update to make sure you’re continuing to target the right people with the right content.

Bonus: Get the Facebook advertising cheat sheet for 2022. The free resource includes key audience insights, recommended ad types, and tips for success.

Get the free cheat sheet now!

5. Target people who have recently shopped from Facebook ads

An oft-overlooked option within the detailed targeting options for Facebook ads is the ability to target people who have already expressed interest in making a purchase from Facebook ads.

Selecting the purchase behavior Engaged Shoppers limits your ad audience to people who have clicked the Shop Now button on a Facebook ad within the last week.

While some Facebook users might scroll past ads, this option ensures you reach people who have already (and very recently) shown that they are willing to shop from ad content.

To access the Engaged Shoppers targeting option:

  • Create a new ad set, or open an existing ad set, and scroll down to the Audience section
  • Under Detailed Targeting, type Engaged Shoppers in the search bar.
  • Click Engaged Shoppers.

6. Find your unicorn content

This tip is a little bit different. It’s about targeting your ad’s content, rather than choosing the right Facebook target audience.

This concept was coined by MobileMonkey CEO and Inc. columnist Larry Kim. He suggests that

only 2% of your content will perform well both on social and in search engine rankings, while also achieving high conversion rates. He argues that content marketing is a volume game, and you simply have to create lots of “donkey” content (you can guess what that means) to get to the unicorns.

So what’s your unicorn content? It’s that blog post that absolutely blows up on your social channels, climbs to the top of the Google rankings, and drives a ton of traffic to your landing pages.

You can’t predict what will “go unicorn” based on factors traditionally used to define great content (like great writing, keywords, and readability). Instead, you’ve got to keep a close eye on your social media analytics and performance.

When you spot overachieving content, repurpose it as a Facebook ad. Make it into an infographic and a video. Test this content in various formats for your key audiences to make it work even harder.

Most importantly, use the rest of our Facebook ad targeting tips to make sure you match your unicorn content to the audience that’s most likely to engage with it.

7. Get ultra-precise with layered targeting

Facebook offers tons of targeting options. On the surface, the options are divided into three main categories: demographics, interests, and behaviors. But within each of these categories, things get pretty granular.

For example, under demographics, you can choose to target parents. Or, more specifically, you could target parents with toddlers.

Then, you can click Narrow Audience to add additional layers of targeting. For example, under demographics, you can choose to limit your Facebook target audience based on relationship status and job industry.

Think about how these layers of targeting combine to create a hyper-focused audience. You could choose to target divorced parents of toddlers who work in management. And that’s just looking at demographics.

Under Interests>Travel, you could then limit your target audience to people who are interested in beach vacations. Then, under behaviors, you can even further narrow your audience to target frequent international travelers.

Do you see where this is going? If you run a high-end beach resort that offers a childcare program and no single supplement, you could create a promotion that specifically targets single parents in management-level jobs who love beach vacations and travel frequently.

If you market products or services tied to life events, even tangentially, you can target people who have recently moved, started a new job, gotten engaged or married. You can target people in their birthday month, or leading up to their anniversary. You can even target people whose friends have an upcoming birthday.

As you build your audience, you’ll see on the right side of the page how small your audience has become, as well as your potential reach. If you get too specific, Facebook will let you know.

This strategy works best for specific promotions designed to target a precise audience, rather than ads to promote your business in general. Combine this layered Facebook ad targeting with a landing page that speaks directly to the exact audience for best results.

Note: Each time you want to add another level of targeting, be sure to click Narrow Audience or Narrow Further. Each item should say Must also match about the selected criteria.

8. Combine two unique audiences together

Of course, not every product or promotion is naturally suited to the kind of precise Facebook targeting explained in the tip above.

Maybe you don’t know exactly which demographic or behavior categories you want to target with a specific ad. You only have a broad sense of a category you’d like to target. So, what do you do if that Facebook target audience is just too large?

Try combining it with a second audience, even if that second audience seems completely unrelated.

For example, let’s think about creating an ad audience for this GoPro video featuring LEGO boats:

GoPro: LEGO Ship Survives Wave Onslaught

#GoProAwards recipient Canvas 23 Studios sent his creations into the high seas with #GoProHERO10 Black as cargo 🚢 Show us your unique GoPro videos at for the opportunity to take home $500 + a social feature, like Evan.

Posted by GoPro on Thursday, July 21, 2022

To start, we could build an audience of people who are interested in GoPro, videography, or video cameras. Even limiting the audience to people aged 22 to 55 in the United States, that creates a potential audience of 31.5 million people.

Now, in this case, the video features LEGO boats. So, what’s the obvious audience to add in here?

Yep, LEGO fans.

That cuts the potential audience size down to 6.2 million. And it would likely result in a much higher engagement rate, since people would be specifically interested in the video content, not just the product featured in the video.

In this case, we worked backwards from an existing video. But you could also decide on two unrelated audiences to combine, then create a targeted piece of content to speak directly to that group.

9. Use broad targeting to find your target audience

What if you’re just getting started and you don’t know yet who your target audience is? We’ve got a whole blog post on how you can start to figure this out through audience research.

But you can also learn a lot by starting with a broad Facebook ad targeting strategy. This works best for brand awareness campaigns rather than conversion-oriented ads, but the information you learn can help refine your conversion targeting strategy over time.

Create a new brand awareness campaign with some very basic targeting, such as a broad age range within a large geographic area. Facebook will then use its algorithms to determine the best people to show your ads to.

Once your ad has been running for a little while, you can check Audience Insights or Ads Manager to see which kinds of people Facebook chose for your ads, and how they responded. This can help you understand how to create your own target audiences for future campaigns.

Use Hootsuite Social Advertising to easily schedule organic posts and ads, build custom audiences, and get a complete view of your social ROI.

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How to Master Facebook Ad Targeting & Zero-In on Your Audience

With over 2 billion active users daily and an average use time of 35 minutes per user, it’s a top spot for B2C and B2B advertising.  There’s never been a  better time to be familiar with Facebook Ad targeting.

Facebook has hundreds of targeting and ad demographic options. To get the most out of your advertising dollars, you’ll need to zero-in on your audience.

In this article, we’ll explore how to get the most out of that money spent on mastering Facebook Ad targeting and zeroing-in on your target.

What is a Facebook Audience?

The “target” or “market” that you’re going to advertise to is called, “audience” on Facebook. You can target super specifically, like by the amount of education or income. Also targeting options include age, location, gender, job title and much more. The options are almost limitless. For real.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

For this GoPro ad, we might target photographers or people that love to hike or ski. Or we could use Pixel (more on Pixel below) to target users who have visited the GoPro purchase page but didn’t complete the purchase.

Or for this ad, Soylent might target vegans, people that like working out or moms that have recently liked their Facebook page or Instagram post.

The above examples are just a couple of the many hundreds of ways to target Facebook users. Let’s take a look at Facebook’s primary targeting methods:

Targeting on Facebook

Like we mentioned, there are literally hundreds of ways to target people. Keep in mind that you can use any combination of the targeting methods listed below.

    • Location: You can target users by state, locality, zip code, country, etc. You can get more specific too, like targeting them where they work vs. where they live.
    • Demographics: Demographics means data relating to a population, like age, sex, income, marital status, etc. Facebook offers a ton of demographic options.
    • Interests: Interests are really helpful in defining a target market. Let’s say you’ve got an eCommerce store that sells R&B records, you could target users who have liked vintage record player pages, music pages, R&B artists, jazz pages, etc.
    • Behaviors: Behaviors use the Facebook Pixel (discussed below) to target users. Pixel is a piece of code that tracks user behavior so that you can display ads to people that behave in certain ways. This is one of the most profitable ways to target, as for example, you might show ads to people who recently visited your website’s pricing page or subscribed to your blog.
    • Engagement: Engagement is when someone comments, likes or follows you or your pages on social media. If someone has recently liked one of your Facebook or Instagram posts, you can have Facebook show them your ads.
    • Partner Connections: This method of advertising shows ads based on behaviors users take off of Facebook. For example, if you’re a car dealership, you might target users who have recently applied for a new car loan.
    • Automatic Optimization: Use the many demographic and target options above to zero-in on an audience that works for your company. Facebook will automatically optimize your audience for you.

Let’s say you set up an ad to target new parents that recently joined a gym in Richmond, VA.

Facebook might optimize that ad to reach more new moms vs. new dads because new moms tend to click-through more often. Once you’ve settled on a target that works well, you can use that target to build a successful Facebook Audience (a.k.a. target market). Just remember to save your audience to make future audience building easier.

Increase Conversions Dramatically With Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is a unique code that you plug into the backend of your website. The code tracks user behavior on your site so you target web visitors based on their behaviors.

The goal of using the Pixel is to optimize your Facebook Ads and audiences based on user behavior and the data collected. Pixel allows you to do things like; Retargeting users who have abandoned a cart, who have recently viewed your pricing page or subscribed to a webinar.

Installing Pixel

First, you’ll need to create a Pixel for your site. Navigate to the Ads Manager, click All Tools > Pixels.

You’ll be prompted to set up your Pixel, agree to terms and name the Pixel. Then, you’ll install it on your site.

Select manually install Pixel.

To install the code, you simply copy and paste it into the header of your website.

Find the <head> code in your website. Install the Pixel inside the header. It’ll look something like this when it’s in the right place:

Make sure you save your website data with that code snippet in place!

Next, you’ll set up specific events you’d like to track. The behaviors that you will track are called Events. You tell Facebook what each of these Events is for your website.

For example, to track Lead Generation, you’d toggle the Lead Generation button, and copy/paste the code snippet into the <script> portion of the page on which you track leads (see screenshot below).

For example, you might track the confirmation or thank-you page for signing up for a webinar that you’re hosting, since those people are likely qualified leads.

Once you toggle Generate Lead to on, you can copy the code snippet and paste it into the <script> of the webinar confirmation page you want to track.

The <script> section where you want to paste this snippet looks like this:

How To Set Up Event Tracking For an Existing Pixel

If you’re already using Pixel and want to start tracking new Events, navigate to the Events Manager page > Pixels.

Next, click Details.

Then, click Set Up.

This will bring you back to the options for manually installing the code snippet. Click manually install and follow the steps above for installing the code.

How Do You Build a Successful Facebook Audience?

Building a Facebook audience takes some time since, for the best results, you want the audience to be specific, but not too specific.

The first step in creating a highly-specific audience is to get familiar with your customer persona. You can build out a customer avatar to help you set up successful Facebook Audiences.

Here is an example of a good customer avatar. Notice how specific it is.

Additionally, there are three types of Facebook audiences. Each type has its advantages, so let’s take a look:

1. Facebook Saved Audiences

A Facebook saved audience is what it sounds like;  an audience you can create, save and use again in later campaigns. If you know your target market demographics well, you can use that info to create an audience to reuse in many of your campaigns.

To set up a saved audience, navigate to the Audiences page. Then, click Create a Saved Audience. If this is your first time using Facebook Ads, it’ll look like this:

If you’ve used Facebook Ads before, navigate to the same Audiences page, then click Create Audience > Saved Audience.

Next, you’ll see the Facebook Ads Manager audience creation page. This is where you can plug in those useful demographics you discovered during the process of mapping out your customer persona.

When you’re all set with your demographics, location, interests, etc., click Create Audience.

This saved audience will now appear on your Audiences page.

When you want to use this saved audience in future campaigns, navigate to the Audience tab on the left side. Then, click on Use a Saved Audience and select the audience you’d like to use.

2. Facebook Custom Audiences

Custom audiences are some of the highest converting. Upload a list of emails or phone numbers of the prospects you want to show ads to. You can also have Facebook exclude emails or numbers on that list, let’s say if you know those folks aren’t interested in your product or service.

Custom audiences also work with the Pixel, to help you show ads to folks that have visited your website, or taken another action online, such as viewing your pricing page.

Let’s say you sell a SaaS product for lawyers. And you want to create a Custom Audience and use a list of emails you’ve collected of local attorneys.

To create a custom audience, navigate to the Audience page, then click Create Audience > Create Custom Audience:

Next, you’ll see this page with Custom Audience options. To use a list of emails or numbers, you’ll want to choose Customer File.

Afterward, you’ll have the option of uploading data from a file of your own or from MailChimp.

If you are going to use your own file, make sure it’s a .CSV file or .TXT file. Check out Facebook’s best practices for uploading files.

After you upload the data, you’ll need to agree to Facebook’s terms and then name the audience. Click Next.

You’ll see a preview of how Facebook has classified your data. Make sure that Email matches up with your email addresses. Phone with phone numbers, etc. If the data don’t match the names automatically given by Facebook, just click the name to change it.

This Custom Audience will now appear in your Audience list. It’ll say “Updating Audience,” in the Availability column while all the data is uploaded. Once it’s ready to use, you’ll get a notification from Facebook.

Just like all Facebook audiences, the more specific (without being too specific) your Custom Audience is, the better your results will be.

3. Facebook Lookalike Audiences

After you’ve created a few valuable Custom Audiences, you can start using the Lookalike Audience option to target users that are similar to the target you’ve defined in your Custom Audience.

Let’s say you wanted to continue targeting attorneys to sell your Lawyer SaaS tool. You could use Lookalike Audiences to target more attorneys in another state. Or even attorneys that weren’t in your email list that Facebook’s algorithms will find based on other criteria.

Navigate to the Audiences page. The, select Create Audience > Lookalike Audience

Next, you’ll have the option to choose which Custom or Saved Audience you want to base your new lookalike audience on.

Once you’ve selected the audience on which to base your new Lookalike Audience, adjust the settings for Location and Size, then click Create Audience at the bottom right.

Facebook Ad Targeting Best Practices

Custom Audiences gives advertisers tons of options for enhancing ad results as there’s so much that can be done targeting Website Traffic and Events. Custom Audiences is a great way to retarget people that have already visited your site, making your ad dollars go further.

The average click-through rate of a normal display ad is about .07%, while a retargeted ad averages a click-through rate of .7%. So, users are about 164% more likely to click your retargeted ad than a non-retargeted one.

This section explores a few of our favorite ways to retarget website visitors and people familiar with your online presence.

Target Visitors Who Didn’t Complete a Purchase

To show your ads to people who visited a product page on your website, but did not complete a purchase, you can use Pixel’s website traffic events.

The way it works is that you create an event attached to the product page URL. Then, you’d exclude any other URLs, like the Thank You or Completed Purchase page.

First, click Create a Custom Audience from the Events Manager page.

Then, select People who visited specific webpage from the drop-down.

Decide how recent the viewers should be for your ad, then enter that number into the days box. Next, enter your product page URL.

If you click on Further refine by, right beneath the URL box, refine users by device and frequency as well.

The following setup would advertise to people who have visited, at least two times in the last 30 days from their iPhone or iPad.

When you’ve got your product page URL set and have refined it, you’re ready to set up the URLs you’d like to exclude.

This step is important because it tells Facebook that anyone who has gone on and completed a purchase (or any other event you want to exclude) will be excluded from this campaign. To do this, we simply want to exclude people who have seen the purchase confirmation page.

Note* If you have an eCommerce store, then you will have the option to simply exclude “Purchases.”

Change the button next to URL to Equals. This is because we want to exclude this exact URL.

Then name your audience and click Create Audience.

Note* If you want to exclude only people that have purchased certain products, then you’d only include that specific product page and therefore, you would enter that product’s specific confirmation page into the excluded text box (No. 2 above).

To get the most out of a product retargeting ad, you want the ad copy to be brief, maybe you’ll even apply a discount to the product ad. Like this one:

Retargeting Visitors That Read Your Blog

As blog readers are much more familiar with your brand than someone that’s never heard of your company, you can bet that targeting your blog readers gets you more bang for your Facebook Ad buck.

This is great for low-touch SaaS companies or any company that sees decent conversion rates from their blog. You can show a product in your ad or even advertise another blog post or an eBook.

First, get to navigate back to the Pixel page > Create Custom Audience (see above).

Next, make sure that you set the URL to contains. We want to make sure that any URL with the word blog in the address is added to the group that we advertise to. So enter blog as a keyword in the space.

This setting will show your ad to anyone that views a page with the word blog in the URL. Example: or

When you’re finished, click Create Audience and Facebook will save the audience to your audience list.

You can use these two different tactics for a number of scenarios:

  • Target anyone that’s visited your website.
  • To target people who have visited 2 or 3 specific pages on your site, like several products.
  • Target people who viewed a landing page, but didn’t opt-in to the list or offering.

Optimize your Facebook ad reach

Now that you know the essentials of Facebook ad targeting, make sure your content and strategy are also up to par. Check out these resources for your next steps in designing a great Facebook ad campaign from start to finish:

  • How to foolproof your Facebook advertising strategy
  • Facebook advertising cost: Everything you need to optimize your ROI
  • Facebook Lookalike Audiences: How to optimize ads to reach new customers
  • A step-by-step guide on how to use Facebook Business Manager
  • 5 brilliant Facebook campaigns (& why they worked)
  • 12 Facebook Ad Examples You Wish You Made

Determination of the target audience | Meta for Business

4 min.

In this lesson you will learn:

  • Determine the target audience.
  • Understand why this is important.

Lucky Shrub example

Lucky Shrub is a gardening store. The company sells seedlings with local delivery. In addition, she has a website selling plants and gardening tools. Lucky Shrub owner Karen wants to find new clients who love gardening. Its goal is to properly manage marketing resources and budget.

Why is it important to correctly define the target audience?

Karen wants to reach the people most likely to become her company's customers. To do this, she needs to define her target audience.

What is the target audience?

Target Audience is the group of people you want to reach with your ad because they are the most likely to take the desired action after viewing it.

People from the target audience have common characteristics. These characteristics can be divided into three categories:


People may have the following general characteristics:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • family income;
  • profession;
  • education;
  • location.


People may be interested in the same products, topics or activities.


People can read the same publications, visit the same sites and Pages. In addition, they may have the same hobbies or favorite sports.

Audience types

One company can have several target audiences.

Primary Target Audience

As a rule, companies pay the most attention to the primary target audience, because they expect to find the most valuable customers in it.

Secondary target audience

People from the secondary target audience may be interested in your products or services, but are unlikely to be among the most valuable customers. Secondary target audiences will help you structure your marketing campaigns, especially if you sell multiple products or services, or if your products and services target different groups of people.

Determining the target audience of Lucky Shrub

Let's try to define the primary and secondary audiences of Lucky Shrub.

Main audience

People who are interested in gardening.

Karen knows that many people do or plan to do gardening at this time of the year. They may be interested in plants and tools presented in the Lucky Shrub online store.

Secondary audience 1

People who may need landscaping and garden equipment repair services.

Large gardens require significant investment. For example, their owners regularly require the services that Lucky Shrub offers. These services can become an additional source of income for Lucky Shrub.

Secondary audience 2

People who want to plant greenery in the apartment.

Karen noticed that millennials are increasingly interested in indoor plants. So she added a number of these plants to the Lucky Shrub range.

Key takeaways

  • Target audiences help you focus your attention and efforts on the people who are most likely to be interested in your company's products or services.
  • The target audience is the group of people you want to reach with your ad. One company can have several target audiences: primary and secondary.


Defining the target audience of the company

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What is an “audience”?

When you run ads on Facebook, you select a group of potential viewers as your target audience. These people are the audience for your ad. To determine your ad's audience, find people that match your customer's profile.


Choose where you want your ads to appear (for example, where you deliver your products).


Select the gender and age range of your target audience.


Select customer interests, such as specific product categories, TV shows, or sports.

An example of how 2 companies created their target audiences.


US-only online gardening store plans to advertise new gardening tools. Based on the customer profile, the company selects the following audience parameters:

  • Demographics: Women aged 35 to 65.
  • Geodata: USA.
  • Interests: vegetable growing.

A new cafe in Paris wants to announce its opening to people nearby. The cafe selects the following options:

  • Demographics: Men and women between the ages of 18 and 45.
  • Geodata: area within a radius of 15 km from the cafe.
  • Interests: not specified.

Tips for reaching the right people

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