How to get a follow back on instagram

7 Ways To Increase Your Chances of Getting Followed Back on Instagram * The Book Family Rogerson

One thing that’s intrigued me since I started on Instagram is the sheer number of follow/unfollows that flood through my account on a regular basis.  I’m not talking about the ones that retreat gracefully after a few months, but those that bail after a couple of days and I find myself asking the question – what do these users want? Connection? Numbers? Recognition?

I’m sure that these experiments work occasionally, but the people fly in and out of our page so quickly that I don’t even have time to notice them.  And I’m not someone who only connects with big accounts – for me quality counts over quantity. I’m just as likely to follow someone with 300 followers as 100K although I admit it’s rarer for me to commit these days as I struggle to keep up with my current follows.

So how do you increase your chances of being followed back on Instagram?  A combination of factors – some less obvious than others, but there are certain elements that make me more inclined to hit that button:

A Public Account

This is essential for me – and I’m guessing for many others too.   If I can’t see what you’re posting then I’m highly unlikely to follow even if your numbers are stellar (exceptions for family & friends of course).

Consistent Interaction

I’m primarily on Instagram for the community and I try to be a pretty loyal follower (although it’s not quite as easy with the new algorithm) so this is really key for me. If someone follows me and then interacts over a period of time then I’m more likely to follow them back. In my first year, I could see engagement through likes, but comments are more visible these days.  We’re not talking stalker-territory here – just the occasional meaningful response which shows that we share common ground. I’ve been caught out by professional follow/unfollowers (including sizeable accounts) in the past so I’m pretty cautious about jumping in quickly.

I’d also add that it’s generally easier to gain a follow back from new accounts. HOWEVER, if you’re going to do this, please don’t exploit the newbies and unfollow once you’ve made a connection. This undermines the whole system of trust.

Quality Content

Beautiful and creative photos always catch my eye, but the caption is important too. I love it when a kind voice shines through or gives me a new angle of life/books/art/creativity/nature. The same goes for good business, travel, lifestyle or social media advice. I like to learn from others and find out more about their unique take on a range of subjects. It has to be gentle though – hard sells are a no-no. If I’ve followed you back on Instagram, then I’ve recognised that we connect in some way.


The comments on people’s posts are often revealing as they give me an idea about how they interact with their own followers  – whether this is a social space for them or just a place to grow numbers. I realise that not everyone has the time to chat so it’s not a deal breaker especially if the content is exceptional, but it’s definitely a consideration.

Occasionally people ask me how to ask someone to follow them back on Instagram. From personal experience, I’d say avoid asking Instagrammers to follow you back. It looks pretty spammy. If you’re genuinely engaging and posting quality content, then people will follow you eventually.

There is a caveat here though. If you’re finding it hard to make connections on Instagram, then try another platform. Twitter can be particularly good for this. Bookstagrammers often look for new accounts to connect with here. You can also find similar requests on Facebook Groups.

Similar Connections

When I first started out, checking mutual accounts wasn’t as important because I was still feeling my way with the platform and actively looking for people to follow, but as my circles have widened, this is something I take notice of. If an account follows similar pages to mine then it suggests that we are more likely to share the same values and aesthetics.   I trust the people I already follow so if there’s a link between us, however small, I’m more inclined to think that we might be a good match.

Additional Online Resources

Blogs, courses and podcasts always make me sit up as long as they’re not too salesy. They show that the person takes their online presence seriously and is striving to offer useful information to their audience.

Instagram Influencers and Business Accounts

The controversial one! There’s been a lot of backlash against ads but as a part of the bookstagramming community, I’ve been used to them from day one as most bookstagrammers post gifted books on their pages. We have done unpaid and paid bookstagram influencing. I also follow lots of mums who make extra money from sharing sponsored posts so this isn’t an issue for me unless an account is overtly promotional.

For business accounts it’s harder.  I rarely follow these unless I really love the brand or the product/service.   I could write a whole post on this subject – lots of businesses miss the mark which is a shame as they could maximise their accounts quite easily.

How can you tell whether someone is following you back on Instagram?

The million dollar question! For some this matters a lot, for others not at all. There are countless free apps to check whether people are following you back on Instagram but be aware that these do have ads. Although I hardly check it these days, I use Follower Insight.

As I spend more time on the platform though, being followed back on Instagram isn’t the number one concern. I subscribe to accounts without any expectation of reciprocation because I love their content and in my eyes that’s the only way to find real satisfaction on Instagram – not through numbers, but through careful curation.

In the words of William Morris “If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.

If you enjoyed this, you might want to see our other bookstagram tips.

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How To Get Someone To Follow You Back On Instagram

Whether you use Instagram for business or just for the fun of it, literarily everyone wants to have more followers, and this is not just to be able to show off but rather it is because it is actually an amazing business.

A lot of people make their living as a result of the huge amount of audience they have been able to attract, which gave them the opportunity to be influencers.

Businesses also put in the effort to create a social presence for themselves on Instagram so that they can be able to reach more customers and also increase their chances of publicity.

Within a very short period of time, Instagram has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms on the Internet, with more than two hundred million active users monthly.

With that amount of prospective reach, it is no wonder a lot of people really want to increase their following and create a brand for themselves on Instagram. It is a really awesome platform for networking, building your following, and also sharing your content.

As interesting as Instagram seems to be, it could get really frustrating when you are trying to grow your account but, you can’t seem to experience any significant growth even after a long period of time.

A lot of small accounts seem to experience this phenomenon a whole lot, and most times they, end up giving up on their goals altogether due to the amount of stress it causes.

Some users would even start to fear they have gotten shadowbanned due to the lack of interaction that occurs on their page.

How to Get Someone to Follow You Back on Instagram

A lot of times, people come up with a lot of sneaky ways to gain followers so as to boost up their morale and give their page a facial uplift.

I do not subscribe to these methods, because most often than not, they do not last for the intended period. The right trick to building your account is to get your target audience to follow you.

There are several methods you could use to achieve this feat which would still be discussed in this article. But there are times you would follow a specific account, and you would really want them to follow you back, but it would be to no avail.

Now the question is, how can you get someone to follow you back on Instagram? First, you would have to understand that before you can grow your reputation to a point where any account would be eager to follow you back, there must have been some background work you would have put in place to achieve what you want.

It is these efforts you have put in that would propel your account to a place where getting followers would be easy peasy.

So, here are some of the background work you would have to go through to be able to grow an awesome Instagram account.

  • You would need to create a theme for your account: You would really need a particular theme for your Instagram account. There is no way you would expect your Instagram account to grow if your page does not show that it has a clear direction. Obviously, while you have been using your Instagram, you must have stumbled on several accounts where the owner just posts random stuff on their page, and it leaves you wondering, like, when did you even follow this account?
    They would post business-related stuff one day, and the next day they are posting photos of their family. This would end up giving the account a really confused vibe. The best way to guide your account is to guide your account right from the onset by deciding on a theme you want to focus on and stick to it. You can decide to have other accounts that would cater to other aspects you also wish to share with the world. The more focused and streamlined you are, the easier it would be to attract similar accounts that would be interested in following you.
  • Be very intentional about the username and profile picture you decide to use: Instagram is an app that places a whole lot of value on appearances.
    Yeah, appearances are basically counting for 95% of everything that happens on Instagram. This is the reason why you must put a lot of thought into your choice of username. It would actually represent you on everything on the app. Your username must be unique enough it is intriguing yet simple enough it is very easy to remember. You have to avoid a weird-looking username with lots of dots and dashes like the plague. It rarely looks professional, and it is always kind of confusing. You should also use a very captivating picture as your profile photo. Sometimes all people need to look at is your profile picture before they decide whether or not they want to follow you. Ensure you try your best to keep your username consistent across all your social media platforms. This is an underrated tip that actually works wonders. A lot of times, you would get cross-platform follow because you have a consistent username, and it made it easy to find you on Instagram.
  • Ensure you try to fill out your bio appropriately: Your bio is basically like your cover story. You get a first chance to impress your prospective followers or disappoint them and make them feel like you are just meh. Do not hold back when expressing yourself in your bio. Let every single fiber of your amazing personality and the awesome content you have to offer shine forth. You can also take advantage of the website link that would definitely be provided. Instagram actually only gives a chance for only one website link to promote anything, so you have to ensure you make the most of it. Share things you would love your followers to see. It could be your work or even the work of your favorite painter or musician. It is literally left to you to decide what you want to share.
  • Do not be stingy with your likes: As an account that is trying to attract other accounts to their own profile, you do not have the luxury to be stingy with your likes at all. The goal you should focus on is to be liberal with how you like posts that are kind of similar to your own content. Typically when unfamiliar people like posts on an account, there is a tendency that they would check out the account of such person, and if they like what they see, they would definitely follow back. This is not rocket science; it is just plain old psychology. People like people who give them attention and like them back. The moment you start to be liberal with your likes, you would just notice that gradually a whole lot of people would start to follow you back. Another slightly sneaky way you could boost your followers is by searching for really popular hashtags and then start following accounts under these tags.
  • Try to comment on other people’s accounts: Even more than likes, comments work so much more. The best types of posts for this activity are the ones with little to no comments because you would be easily noticed. Just try to keep your comment short and positive, and as genuine as possible. You would be surprised at the number of interactions you would get just by commenting on random posts.
  • Put in an effort to follow people: Instagram already does an awesome job of helping users to find and connect with people that you would most likely know already. But this range of people will not be enough if you hope to grow your account in any magnificent way at all. You can use the “Find People to Follow ” feature to find account s to follow, but keep it at the back of your mind that these recommendations would probably be based on your contact list and your other connected social media. You can also take a stroll to the Explore section and check out accounts that you vibe with and also follow them. You just have to realize that the people you should aim to follow are those that would be interested in what you have to post so that even if they follow you, they would also give you interactions on your posts. And make sure you keep an eye on your follow-to-follower ratio. The goal is to have more followers than the number of people you are following.So take it easy and follow quality people that would actually boost your account.
  • Make sure you use fun captions: Captions are literally the spice of a post, but most users sleep on this feature because they are not creative enough. A lot of captions on Instagram are just recycled and overused. If you are funny or creative enough to form genuine and unique captions, that could literally be your selling point. You would be known for your witty captions, and your followers would always look forward to your posts so that they can have a good laugh. A good rule of thumb when creating captions is to avoid unnecessarily long captions.
    If you are not careful, you would just end up boring your followers because, realistically, there is no one that is going to sit down with all that epistle and read it in the name of reading a caption. The best captions are witty short, and sweet. This has to be your aim. The only time your caption is allowed to belong is if you are trying to pass an important message across to your followers or you are making an ad or a campaign for a product.
  • You must have an efficient posting routine: You must learn to always post regularly and at the right time. There is a really thin line between you posting too much and actually not posting enough. You must learn to strike a perfect balance that would work for your account and your followers. If you do not post enough, there is basically no reason for you to be wanting followers. People often unfollow users when they notice they do not generate enough content like they had hoped for. Also, if you post too much, your followers’ feed would be clogged up with just your posts which could get extremely annoying really fast. Most times, the reflex action to this type of situation is to unfollow the offender as soon as possible. You are trying to gain more followers, not lose the ones you have gotten, so you must be very careful. The typically acceptable number of posts in a day is one to three posts which should be spaced out across that day, depending on your type of content.You must also be cognizant of the time you make your posts. It really does not make sense to publish your posts by midnight because a whole lot of people would be asleep, and it would kill your interaction on that post. There would definitely be more reactions if you made the same post by morning, lunch, or after work hours.
  • Ensure you are using the right tags and also a good number of them: Whenever you want to publish your posts, you should not be scared to use hashtags. They basically make your posts seem like posts on cocaine. This becomes obvious when you use a moderately crowded hashtag that actually relates to your post. Hashtags would give you such wide access to loads of users who would give your posts a lot of reactions and also likely follow you. This is because hashtags are usually searched for by several people on the gram, and if you use a hashtag on your post, all those searching for these tags would also see your posts too. The only thing is that you have to be very cautious about the number of tags that you use when you are making your posts. You use too many tags, and you turn amazing content into spam content immediately. Personally, I feel five or six tags that are streamlined to your posts and moderately popular are perfectly okay for your use.
  • Try to keep your tags in the Comment Section: If you plan to only use a couple of tags, then it is still okay to keep your tags at the bottom of your post. But if you are going to be using a whole lot of tags, it would actually look really bad to have them showing at the bottom post, so it is actually advisable to put your tags in the comment section.

Once you have all the above qualities in place, you are already on the track to getting people to follow you. There are some other characteristics that your account must have in order to get people you have already followed to follow you back.

  • First, you would need a public account. Most people would not follow you back if your account is a private account because they would not be able to see the content of the account they wish to follow upfront. This would definitely not bode well for you, so if your aim is to gain as many follow-backs as possible, keep your account public for everyone to see.
  • Then you would also need to be consistent with how you interact with other accounts on Instagram. You must make sure that you create something of a close relationship with the accounts you hope would follow you back. You must put in the effort to interact on their posts through likes, comments, and general participation.
    You do not have to react to every single thing, but anytime a post that you can relate to is made, you have to ensure you put in the effort to react appropriately.
  • It is one thing to post regularly, and it is a completely different thing to generate quality content on a regular. You have to pay close attention to the quality of content you publish on your profile. If an account is likely to follow you back, you can be rest assured such an account would have perused your page and be satisfied with what they saw before they can even think of following you back.
    It is highly imperative that the quality of your content can be vouched for. Do not compromise with quality for quantity; the amount of posts on your profile does not matter if they are all subpar.
  • You should also try your best to be social. Apart from trying to attract new followers, you should do your best to socialize with your current followers. It is not a good look on your Instagram account when you cannot reply to simple comments that your followers leave on your post.
    It gives the impression that your account is just a place for you to grow numbers and not where you actually socialize. There would definitely be people who would not like this type of attitude, and they might decide not to follow you just because of that fact.
  • You should put effort into creating a following whose content relates to what you also have to offer or what you are also interested in. This way, you would be able to build and relate with a community of like minds. The more you relate with accounts of similar interests, Instagram’s algorithm would recommend you to other accounts that also share the same interests with you.

How can you know if Someone is Following you on Instagram

This question is actually very important to people who place a lot of importance on their following and followers ratio.

If you want to be very certain that a particular account is following you on Instagram, you would need to use some third-party apps. These apps would analyze your followers and easily show you the people that you are following but are not following you back.

Is there a Limit to the Number of People that can Follow you

No, with the right social media strategy and following all the advice in this article, you are allowed to have as many followers as you want.

Celebrities and popular figures usually have followers in the range of millions, and it is very normal. As long as you gained your followers organically and you did not use any third-party apps, you should not have any problem with Instagram.


Tags: how to get real followers to follow you, How to Get Someone to Follow You on instagram, ways to Get Someone to Follow You


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How to get followers in 2022 on Instagram: from 0 to 10,000

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As practice shows, the first 10,000 subscribers are the hardest to get. The reason is simple: people are reluctant to subscribe to little-known pages. But nothing is impossible. We have compiled 14 tips for you to help you grow your profile from scratch within a year.

#1 Join mutual PR groups / Liketme

How can a little-known page quickly gain followers? Join mutual PR groups, this tactic is best for promoting new accounts.

It works like this. A group of participants is recruited, after which everyone sends a link to their post. All members of the group like and comment on each other's posts, thereby increasing the reach. When there are a lot of likes and comments under your post, it arouses the interest of other people: they want to see what is there.

Sounds nice. But. There are many groups for mutual PR and on various topics, for example, about travel, fashion, etc. To attract your target audience, join such groups on the topic of your page. And to keep the attention of new subscribers, you should also subscribe to them.

This is a short-term strategy for developing a page from scratch that will not increase sales, but will increase brand trust and awareness.

#2 Repost someone else's content

To promote his store, Nicole Martins Ferreira, an SMM specialist, started using the Repost for Instagram app to repost other people's content.

One of these reposts got 52,862 views, 1,264 comments and 9,147 likes. It was a big hit, Nicole didn't even have 10,000 subscribers at the time. But remember, according to Instagram policy, you need to request permission to repost from the author of publications. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting banned.

Why reposts of other people's content, and not publications of your own? Newbies don't have such good content, and reposting - what could be easier?

What content to repost? Use hashtags to find the most popular posts, share the ones that got you the most engagement. This is the simplest and most effective strategy for beginners.

#3 Ask followers to share photos

It's much easier to promote your Instagram page if you have a product or service that your customers share on their profile. If you post content with your customers, it will increase your social security and credibility.

If you haven't had any clients yet, you can contact an influencer (blogger) that suits your niche and order a review of your product. It is better to choose bloggers who have about 5,000 subscribers. Such accounts have a much lower cost of advertising and a more engaged audience.

You can also offer cooperation. For each completed sale through a referral link, you pay a commission to the blogger.

If you already have clients, you can ask them to tag you in their story or feed in exchange for a gift or a discount. Once you have enough clients, you don't have to ask anymore, they will tag you for free.

#4 Create a consistent style and stick to it

Yes, sounds like " blah blah blah " . Let's figure it out.

Often people subscribe not because of the published content, but because of the anticipation and the ability to predict what your next post will be.

Let's say you run a corgi page and post cute pictures and videos of him every day. Users who come across your content may notice that you always have cute corgi photos. They will subscribe and start following your page, waiting for new cute corgi posts.

Sticking to a single style or theme is more than a branding game. We are talking about the psychophysiological component of emotions: the expectations that your existing and potential subscribers create. They want and expect to see more content of the same type or style every day.

By sticking to a consistent style, you build confidence and trust in your brand, which in turn helps increase your following.

#5 Use hashtags

Many social media experts recommend using 5 to 11 hashtags. Don't be afraid to ignore such advice!

Start experimenting with hashtags and eventually you'll figure out which ones are right for your brand.

Why not use 30 hashtags? You can add all these hashtags to the first comment under the post, which few people will see.

Is your goal to increase coverage? Then this is the easiest way. With hashtags, your posts will rank higher for keywords, which increases your reach.

If you want to reach your target audience, then you should avoid generic hashtags like #love or #life, use niche hashtags.

#6 Use location tags

Increase your reach with « Location Tags » , it indicates the city or place where the video or image was taken.

If your business is in a specific city, you can use these geotags to make it easier for people to find and follow your Instagram account.

Locations have their own feed, stories and hashtags - use this sticker and your content will be automatically added there.

#7 Start blogging

Do you have a blog? Start running it on Hashtap or Yandex.Zen.

You can add links to your YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook accounts to your blog post. The more people who read your blog, the more likely they are to go to your social media pages and follow.

This is more of a long term strategy and you may not have a blog. But the faster you start it and add links to your social networks, the more likely you are to gain subscribers.

#8 Follow competitors' followers

To promote your account, you need to find people who follow your competitors' pages.

Do you know your competitors? Find them! Then study their profile, content and who comments on their posts, highlight your target audience. Start chatting with them.

It's best to choose smaller competitors to start with, as larger ones may have good loyalty programs that you may not be able to afford at the moment.

#9 Work with bloggers

Why bloggers? Every blogger has his loyal followers. By running ads with a blogger, you are guaranteed to get new subscribers and, most likely, sales.

But when choosing a blogger, carefully study his profile, exclude cheating subscribers. Sign an agreement so that the blogger cannot use bots. Due to the rapid influx of fake followers, you can get your account banned. You do not want this?

#10 Giveaways

Giveaways are another effective way to promote your account.

If the draw is published on the site, you can make a subscription to your social networks a mandatory condition for participation. This is how you unlock your account.

If you don't have many subscribers, you can post about the draw in free groups and blogs. You can also negotiate with bloggers - you send them a product, they review it for free and talk about the draw. Many agree to such conditions. Result? Hundreds of new subscribers in all social networks.

If you don't have your own audience yet, this is a great way to attract new subscribers. And to attract the target audience, you need to choose a blog from your niche.

Is your goal to promote your account? Then this strategy is for you if increasing sales is not.

#11 Collaboration with other brands

While you are at the start of your page promotion, collaboration with other brands is a quick way to build a target subscriber base. You just repost and tag each other's profile.

You don't have to do anything but repost. New subscribers will write to you first.

#12 Instagram Tips/Guide

Instagram Tips is a new way to share educational content in the form of tips and hacks. In the IG guide, you can add: a title, description, video or image, as well as use already published posts in the feed.

There are 3 guide formats available:

  • Places - collections of interesting places, objects, etc. in your city or some other city.
  • Products - collections of products that you sell on your Instagram.
  • Posts - your existing posts on the same topic, collected in one place, to which you can add titles and comments.

If you have interesting and useful tips, they will be shared with them. This will increase your engagement and reach, and with them the number of subscribers.

#13 Use Instagram analytics

« Embedded » Instagram analytics gives incomplete information about your followers.

Connect third-party analytics services to get more data. Many of these services are free.

Best free analytics services for Instagram:

  1. Sprout Social
  2. DataFan
  3. Popsters
  4. Live Dune

All these services collect highly informative statistics on subscribers and your content. To figure out your target audience, analyze metrics such as engagement rate, number of new followers, unsubscribers, and inactive accounts. Use this data to better understand your audience.

A very loose translation and adaptation of an article from the Oberlo blog.



Yandex.Direct and Google Ads certified specialist. Knows everything about medical marketing and coffee varieties.

How to get followers on Instagram: TOP-8 ways without cheating

900 million active users go to Instagram every day, put likes, subscribe and buy. So that you understand the scale: 146 million people live in Russia. Big and small businesses come to Instagram, everyone wants to gain followers for their account and start earning.

I have already told you how to start a blog on Instagram, now let's see what are the ways to attract subscribers to this very blog.

From this article you will learn:

Is it possible to gain subscribers for free?

It is quite possible to advance by yourself, but you will spend a lot of time and effort. Mass following, mass liking, hashtags were popular ways of promotion in the early days of Instagram. Three years ago, it was enough to have beautiful photos and a connected service that follows people, and they subscribe in response.

In 2019, free promotion methods are not as effective as Instagrammers would like. Every day, three to five shops, showrooms, and sms people subscribe to the accounts of ordinary people. Users are used to it, but I would say that these schemes are rejected by ordinary people.

Do not make free methods the basis of promotion.

Not signed? Instagram consultation will help you understand why your account is not growing. Fill out the form and see you soon.

We attract live readers on Instagram

Let's agree on the bank - we are recruiting subscribers WITHOUT CHARGING. I am totally against this method. You can create the appearance of activity by winding up likes and followers, but there will be no sales in such an account. Comments, by the way, too.

Here THIS can be subscribed to you if you use cheat. Do you think Instagram will like such subscriptions? 🙂

Remember - real people buy, but bots don't.

Development of an account from scratch starts with a content strategy. Answer 5 questions:

  1. Who is the target audience of the project - gender, age, interests, product needs?
  2. Who are your direct and indirect competitors?
  3. What are their differences, disadvantages, advantages over your product?
  4. What do you sell? List all services
  5. Why buy from you? What is the difference from competitors?

I hope you will not be lazy and answer strategic questions. The next step in self recruitment is content production.

Take attractive photos, write posts that are interesting to the target audience, boost activity in the comments. Content is why you should subscribe to a blog.

Put yourself in the shoes of new readers. If, while reading the posts, your jaw is yawning... If looking at the visual tape, you want to run away... Then you are clearly doing something wrong.

To gain followers on Instagram, first work on the content.

9 ways to get your first 1000 subscribers

1. Mutual PR, joint activities with other Instagrammers .

Find accounts where the target audience hangs out and agree on mutual PR. In addition, you can broadcast live, exchange guest posts, share Stories.

If you have 300 followers, it makes no sense to negotiate a VP with a 15K account. Mutual PR should be of interest to both parties.

2. Marathons on Instagram .

Bloggers run free marathons - this is a great opportunity to learn new things and meet someone for cooperation. Participate in marathons, communicate with others, agree on moves.

3. Activity with major bloggers .

Bloggers who write about Instagram publish fees for the VP, mutual commenting, liketimes and other interactives. Join activities. And also leave interesting and smart comments under the posts of major bloggers to be remembered by readers.

4. Advertising with bloggers .

A great way with its own pitfalls. Trust me, you can get promoted if you make a really cool service, product, or admirable content.

5. Targeted advertising .

Yes, I can really hear the indignation: “Zarina, but I heard/read/one woman said that if there are less than a thousand subscribers, people will not subscribe” .

Trust me, people won't subscribe if the content is shit. And if you get into the pain of the target audience with content, then it doesn’t matter how many readers you have. Target is a good solution for introverts and for those who do not have time for other activities. Yes, you may spend more money, but you will quickly reach the cherished 1000 readers.

6. Reels .

Take off the rails! First, don't be afraid. Everyone starts somewhere, the main thing is to start acting. Reels are great for recipes, tips, before/after, humor, dancing. Choose a trend, adapt it to your niche, remove it, add hashtags and collect free traffic to your account.

Learn more