How to find mentions on instagram

How To See Mentions on Instagram

Individuals and businesses have activities going on for them on Instagram, and getting notifications is an important part of the social app. These notifications, known as “mentions,” let you see tags, comments, and likes related to your account. In addition, it keeps you up-to-date with engagements on posts you make and posts you might have been tagged in on Instagram.

This article will detail the necessary information you need to check your mentions on the Instagram app.

Table of Contents

  1. Instagram’s Mentions, Tags, Likes, and Comments
  2. How To View Your Mentions on Instagram
  3. How Can You Adjust the Settings to Your Mentions?
  4. How Can You See Your Old Mentions on Instagram?
  5. Conclusion

Instagram’s Mentions, Tags, Likes, and Comments

Instagram dedicates a section to notifications on activities on your account. For instance, if you make a post on Instagram and people engage, you’ll get notifications on likes and comments your mutuals drop. If you’re a person who’s active on the app, you can easily tap on these notifications to jump to the posts and reply to comments and check how far your posts have gone.

These functionalities aren’t limited to your posts; you’d get them if your account is tagged to another person’s post. For example, suppose a friend tags you to a picture that you have something to do with; every comment and like people drop on the post will also be visible to you in your notifications box.

Instagram’s mentions are called mentions because the app tells you “somebody mentioned you in a comment” or “somebody mentioned you in a photo/video” when you’re tagged to it. So as people can tag you to posts or comments, so can you, and the notification will also appear in their activity tab.

How To View Your Mentions on Instagram

Your mentions include accepted follower requests, new followers, message requests, group requests, rooms, and post notifications from your favorite Instagram users. So if you want to check your mentions on Instagram, these are the following steps.

  1. Launch your Instagram app and log into your account.
  2. You’ll see a heart icon in the bottom navigation bar beside your profile. Tap on this.
  3. You’ll see an activity page that enlists all the notifications or “mentions” on your account.

Instagram only shows a hundred of your latest Instagram notifications on this activity page.

How Can You Adjust the Settings to Your Mentions?

Instagram lets you adjust settings to your posts by limiting who can comment and tag you to post. Especially, comments can be turned off, limiting the “mentions” you get from people engaging in your posts. Also, in your notifications settings, you can decide to pause all the notifications you get from posts, stories, and comments.

However, the notification doesn’t end there, as you can choose to switch off suggestions from Instagram, notifications on new followers, accepted requests, and bio mentions. Then, it controls your notifications for message requests, group requests, rooms, and even video chats.

If you want to access these settings, follow these simple steps.

  1. Launch your Instagram application and log into your account.
  2. Tap on the profile icon to the far right of the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Click on the three-line menu to the top right of the page.
  4. Tap on Settings.
  5. Click on Notifications.

You’ll see the options available where you can tweak your notifications as you wish on Instagram.

How Can You See Your Old Mentions on Instagram?

As Instagram only displays 100 of your latest notifications, you might not get to see older notifications if you’re looking for something specific. However, Instagram keeps a record of all activities on the app and will be able to find older mentions when you request your app’s data.

Follow these steps on your Android or iOS phone to review and download your data.

  1. Launch your Instagram application and log into your account.
  2. Click on the profile icon to the far right of the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Click on the three-line menu to the top right of your profile page and tap on “Your Activity.”
  4. Tap on “Account history.”
  5. Filter the history using date and apply to get an older mention.

You can choose to download your activity to have a copy you can always reference. Follow these steps to do so.

  1. Navigate to your profile page by tapping the profile icon at the top right.
  2. Click on the three-line menu to the top right.
  3. Tap on “Your Activity.”
  4. Click on “Download your information.”
  5. Enter your email address where you want the copy to be sent and click on tap on “Request download.”


Your mentions are now easily accessible with these methods, and you can check on any activity you’ve ever had on Instagram. And if you want to stop getting notifications on Instagram, follow the steps mentioned above.

How to Find Mentions on Instagram — 4 Great Ways

Instagram is one of the go-to apps for users (you included) whenever they want to stay updated about current events. 

Whether those events are from families, friends, or about world news, people want to stay on top of things and be the first ones to know about them.

Hence, the mentions feature on Instagram is such a nifty feature that allows you to be notified when someone wants to grab your attention.

And, we all know how mentions work. 

But, finding mentions on Instagram is a different endeavor compared to the task of mentioning someone on a post.

Is it even possible to find those mentions on Instagram? Let’s discover in a bit.


Finding Mentions on Instagram

There is no direct way for you to find mentions on Instagram. But, you can view your notification history, or visit the “Tagged” tab on your profile page to find mentions. You can also view your DMs and message requests for IG story mentions. Third-party apps like and Iconosquare can also be used.


Workaround Method 1: Finding Instagram Mentions by Checking Notification History

The easiest way for any IG user to find any mentions is to browse through their notification history.

This is only possible if Instagram push notifications are activated. 

In case you haven’t yet, you can check the “How to Find Someone’s Comment on Instagram” for the step-by-step guide to activating your push notifications.

Once you’re done activating your push notifications, all you need to do is press the heart icon on the bottom menu of the “Home” page.

But, when accessing the web version of Instagram, you’ll find this heart icon on the upper right of the menu bar.

From there, you’ll be redirected to the “Activity” page, where all the current comments, tags, and mentions will be listed chronologically.

Swipe up to find any new notifications about someone mentioning you in their post.

Yet, if you’re looking for older mentions, or if there are too many mentions than what can be shown on “Activity,” better use the next method instead.

Don’t worry about switching phones for this method. The same steps are applicable whether you’re using an Android phone or an iPhone.


Workaround Method 2: Finding Instagram Mentions by Checking “Tagged” Posts

You’ll probably think this workaround method is wrong as everyone knows how mentions and tags are different.

Though these 2 work the same, you tag a person directly on the image.

On the other hand, you can mention someone in a comment or a caption (not on the photo) by typing “@username.”

But, posts with mentions don’t appear on one’s profile page, as well as not easily noticed when that person receives hoards of mentions daily.

With that, most people combine tagging and mentioning so the person will easily notice the comment you made about his post.

That’s where this second method comes in, and you only have to follow these steps to check your “Tagged” section.

Finding Instagram Mentions by Checking “Tagged” Posts (Mobile)

Note: These steps are applicable whether you’re using Android or iOS.

Step 1: After you launch the Instagram app, tap the profile picture icon on the bottom menu of the “Home” page.

There’s only a slight difference with the appearance of this icon though.

On Android, this icon is the profile picture you assigned on Instagram.

On an iPhone, though, this icon takes the shape of a person inside a circle.

Step 2: Your profile page will then appear on the screen.

From there, swipe up until you reach the “Posts” section. By default, the “All” posts tab is what you’ll find immediately, which appears as a table icon.

But, since we want to check out the posts that you were tagged (and possibly mentioned), press the “Tagged” icon, which takes the shape of a person inside a frame on the mobile version of the app.

Step 3: The posts that you were tagged in will then appear.

Tap on each of the posts on the said section and see if you’ve been mentioned in the comments or caption as well.


Finding Instagram Mentions by Checking “Tagged” Posts (Computer)

Step 1: After you launch  Instagram’s web version on the browser you’re using, click your profile picture icon on the menu bar.

Step 2: On the dropdown menu, select “Profile.”

Step 3: You’ll then find yourself inside your “Profile” page.

From there, click the “Tagged” tab to find the posts you were tagged (and hopefully mentioned) as well.

Select each of the posts until you find the post that has mentioned you.

However, this is a more manual process of finding mentions on IG. If you find this method cumbersome, give the third method below a try.


Workaround Method 3: Finding Instagram Mentions On Direct Messages and Message Requests

Though this method’s less labor-intensive, it is only applicable for Instagram story mentions.

Yes, you can mention someone on an IG story. But, there are limits with how many you can mention (or tag) in an IG story.

Regardless, whenever someone mentions you on their IG story, you’ll receive a message notification. 

But, if you’re not following the person who mentioned you, the said message notification will be sent to the “Requests” section.


Finding Instagram Mentions on Direct Messages and Message Requests (Mobile)

Note: The steps still are the same for iPhone and Android phones.

Step 1: Once you launch the Instagram app, locate the messenger icon and tap it.

You’ll find this icon on the “Home” page’s upper right.

Step 2: Once you’re on the “Messenger” page, you will find yourself in the “All” section.

Step 3: If, however, you haven’t followed the person yet on IG, and he has mentioned you in his story, the said notification will be redirected to the “Requests” section.

Just tap the “Requests” tab to have a look at the new message.


Finding Instagram Mentions on Direct Messages and Message Requests (Computer)

Step 1: After logging in to your Instagram account, click the messenger icon on the menu bar.

Step 2: The “Messenger” page will then appear.

From there, you’ll see the message notification sent to you when someone mentioned you on their IG story.

Even the message requests will be listed together in the same inbox unless you’ve switched your IG account into a professional one.

Just click on the unread messages for you to reply accordingly.


Workaround Method 4: Finding Instagram Mentions by Using Third-Party Apps

As mentioned above, there’s no direct way for you to find your mentions on Instagram from the app itself.

While those 3 methods mentioned earlier are helpful, it can be quite tasking if you have hundreds of mentions to find.

This is true for influencers who have a huge follower count.

So, for these people to keep track of all the mentions on their IG posts, they subscribe to third-party apps like Iconosquare and Mention. com.

These apps function like a huge dashboard, where the person can find not only mentions but comments and tags as well from their posts.

All the mentions they receive from their followers will then be listed out like how the messages on your Instagram app are arranged.

One can simply click on that particular mention, but also reply to it from the third-party app.

Whoah! Such nifty workaround methods you can choose to work with!

Though it’s unfortunate for Instagram not to have a direct way of finding mentions, you have a better chance of pinpointing those mentions with the 4 methods above.


Frequently Asked Questions about How to Find Mentions on Instagram


How will I know that someone mentioned me on Instagram?

You will know if someone mentioned you on Instagram by receiving “Activity” notifications. Aside from mentions, you’ll also receive notifs when someone likes or comments on your post, follows, sends a message request, or tags you on a photo. You only need to activate your IG push notifications.


Can I still receive mention notifications from someone I recently blocked on Instagram?

You can only receive notifications from someone who mentioned you on their post if either you or he follows each other’s accounts. If you blocked his account, then you won’t be able to mention you on Instagram, and consequently, receive mention notifications from him.


How do you mention someone on Instagram?

To mention someone on Instagram, tap or click the specific Instagram post you want to comment on. Then, select the “Reply” button to add a comment. Lastly, mention the person by typing “@username” on the message field before choosing “Post.”


How does “mention” differ from “tag” on Instagram?

When you “mention” someone on Instagram, you’re including that person’s IG username on your comment or reply. You can even do the mentioning on an IG post’s caption. When you “tag” though, you’re doing it directly on the photo, not on the comment or caption section of that IG post.


Up to how many people can I mention on an Instagram post?

You can only mention up to 10 personalities (people, places, or businesses) in a caption or comment. This is Instagram’s way of stopping its users from “spamming” others with mentions that are irrelevant to them.


Hey guys! It’s me, Marcel, aka Maschi. On MaschiTuts, it’s all about tutorials! No matter the topic of the article, the goal always remains the same: Providing you guys with the most in-depth and helpful tutorials!

How to tag a person in Instagram stories - we upgrade our stories instagram


  • 1 What happens if you tag a person in Instagram stories - why do they do it
  • 2 How to tag people in your stories
    • 2.1 Through text
    • 2.2 Through the “Mention” sticker
      • 2.2.1 What to do if there is no “Mention” sticker
  • » other people

If you had fun with someone and made a bunch of videos, you immediately want to show all your followers on Instagram with whom exactly you shared the joyful moments of your life. If so, tag these people (if they have Instagram profiles) in your stories. How to do this, we will tell.

What happens if you tag a person in Instagram Stories — why do they do it

By tagging a person, you post the story in the usual way. As a result, in the story (it doesn’t matter if it’s a video or a photo), a clickable link to a person’s profile appears. If you click on it, a window will appear to go to this profile.

Through a link in the story, you can go directly to the profile of a person or company

Before tagging someone, ask permission from this person - it will be more ethical.

Tag people and business profiles for various purposes: to advertise or just introduce their followers to someone. Note, by the way, you can not more than 10 people.

How to tag people in your stories

There is nothing complicated in the procedure. There are two marking tools: text and a special sticker.

Via text

How to use plain text:

  1. On the feed tab, click on the round "Your story" icon or on the camera in the upper left. You can swipe the screen to the right.
  2. Upload a photo or video from your gallery, or take one now.
Enter the profile name as plain text

Click on the letter "A" at the top right. Write @ and start typing your profile name in English. The system itself will gradually prompt users to you. Click on the white button at the bottom right. Opposite "Your story" click on "Publish".

Click on "Share"

Through the "Mention" sticker

How to use the sticker:

  1. Repeat the first two steps from the previous instructions.
  2. Once you've uploaded a photo or video, click on the sticker emoji at the top right. Click on the word "Mention".
  3. Type the name of the user you want to tag.
Click the Mention sticker

Specify the color and size for the link text. Publish the story using the last step in the previous tutorial.

What to do if there is no Mention sticker

If you don't see the Mention sticker, you can use the Type tool. But if you really want a sticker, "get" it like this:

  1. Update the application - through the Play Market (for Androids) or the App Store (for iOS).
  2. Reinstall the application - delete it, then download it again. Use the same mobile software stores.
  3. Write to Instagram technical support if the first two methods did not help.

How to see which stories you've been tagged in

Go to Direct. There will be all mentions in the form of private messages from users who have tagged you in their stories. The message will contain the story itself, which you can immediately open and see. When the story is deleted in a day, the mention message will also disappear.

A message is immediately sent to Direct stating that you have been tagged by a user

If you have been tagged by a profile to which you are not subscribed, the message will hang in the "Requests for Correspondence" section.

How to remove the mention of your account in other people's stories

You can't turn off this option somehow in the settings. If you're tagged in a story you don't like, you can ask for it to be removed. If the request is not fulfilled, you can complain about this material:

  1. Open a story with a mention.
  2. Click on the three dots in the "Send Message" field at the very bottom of the screen.
  3. An additional menu will appear, where there will be one single button - "Report", after tapping on it you need to select the option of the complaint "This is spam" or "Inappropriate materials".
Click on the “This is spam” option

You can tag a person on Instagram through text or a “Mention” sticker. When you mark a profile, he will receive a message in Direct with a mention in your story and the story itself. You cannot make it so that you are not mentioned at all in the application. If you don't like the stories you're tagged in, report the profile.

  • Author: Ekaterina Vasilyeva